The Ultimate Collection |
01/14/2023 |
far better to play a little sharp
than to play out of tune."
Kent Reedwell , violist
Putzburgh Phil. |
I first remember them going around at New York recording
sessions years back. Some of the Viola players knew more than anyone: Some just looked at
the floor a lot. Many of these I made up but most came from other musicians.
Some I found on the internet. Sometimes I found my originals out there.
the way it works.
1/14/23 I
hadn't edited this page for a long time, but was recently reminded of a
personal Viola story.
Years ago in New
York City, during the height of the Viola Joke Era, I was hired to score a
ballet for full orchestra. My client booked the London Symphony for a
6-hour session at Abbey Road Studio. How cool is that?!? My
client was conducting and there was no producer, so I was in the control
room following the score, giving info and suggestions to the engineer, the
conductor and others in the orchestra. Probably due to something my client
said, but somehow the word got around that The Yank in the control room was
responsible for that Viola Joke collection, not overlooking the text in the
next paragraph below saying, "If
you're a Viola player, I owe you a beer." Did you know that there's a pub
right in Abbey Road Studio? I didn't. When the orchestra took a
break between the 3-hour sessions I got collared by the viola players, who
led me to the pub where I bought a round of pints for the viola section of
the LSO. There was a lot of laughter in the room! What can I
tell you? It was worth it!
Thanks to everyone for the
responses to the page, especially to the many Violists who have written and added to the
collection. And just for the record, I don't hate Violas or Violists.
Its a
beautiful instrument - I write for it all the time. This page is about humor, not
Viola hate. Anybody who doesn't see that ... sorry, I can't help you.
I'm the guy collecting the jokes. On that account, Guilty as charged.
you're a Viola player, I owe you a beer.
more time department: Our internet friend Brian,
a dedicated (if misguided) scholar of music, Viola phenomena and the occult, has
uncovered some truly amazing HIDDEN ANAGRAMATIC MEANINGS
hidden within the names
of famous composers. Read the results of his highly questionable research.
Oversight department: Our thanks to Melinda
Bargreen, the eloquent music critic for the Seattle Times, for calling our attention to
several grievous omissions from the VIOLA
» The
emails below are several years old, but
they're real. I got lots of mail when this page first posted, both pro and con Viola humor.
Much of
the con mail is an attempt to get me to put it on the page. Please don't
bother. I stopped posting mail here long ago.
» The photo of the Viola, California
road sign is real too. It's near Lassen National Park. I
took it myself.
» I
don't hate Violists or the Viola. The Viola is a beautiful
instrument with tremendous potential. On that subject, I need only
mention the
Turtle Island String Quartet. Check out what Danny Seidenberg is
doing with a Viola. 'Nuff said about that!
If it'll make you feel
any better,
other fun-seekers
have wasted time here. Yikes!
Latest additions
01/14/23 |
message from Pete
There haven't been any updates to this page in a long time.
However our friend Steve spotted this on - Definitely
deserving of an update. |
According to Wiki, the well-trodden
genre of the viola joke could have been around since as far back as
1714. A story from 1700s Italy is thought to be the origin of all
viola jokes we know and love today. A Martin Butler has
said he spotted this in a concert programme note: |
“The violinist Francesco Geminiani arrived in London in 1714, one of
the many expatriate musicians who settled in England in the late
seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries.
“As a young man Geminiani was appointed head of the orchestra in
Naples, where according to English music historian Charles Burney he
was ‘so wild and unsteady a timist, that instead of regulating and
conducting the band, he threw it into confusion’, and was demoted to
playing the viola.” |

Photo Gallery |

Sighted, in
Northern California
where Viola players go to get away from it all

Viola Roadkill

Here's some
actual stuff from Pete's mailbox. |
Subject: Viola Jokes
Dear Mr. Levin
Just a quick note to say how much I enjoyed your viola joke collection, and you owe me a
large beer ... I am a viola player from London and after my lesson this Friday my teacher
said she'd heard that there was a page for viola jokes on the net. It was well worth
looking up!
Subject: Viola Jokes
We had heard about the viola joke collection and were glad to find them. I hope you don't
mind, I've posted them on the orchestra bulletin board.
Add this to your collection:
Q: How can you tell if the stage is level?
A: The viola players are dribbling out of both sides of their mouths.
Still laughing.
That's not a Viola joke - its a drummer joke. Only
drummers drool (dribble).
Thanks anyway.
PL |
Subject: viola jokes
i am a viola player, and i was very offended when i read your viola jokes. I am guessing
that you don't play the viola, because all viola players i've ever met, including myself,
have a lot more intelligence than you. Could you please inform about how to make a
homepage so that i can write jokes about you. It will be intitled, Shallow moronic jerks
that think they're funny jokes. Do you watch Seinfeld? This is a quote from george,
"the jerk store called and said that they're fresh out of you!"
- a viola player |
Subject: Ignorance
To Mr Pete:
Let me tell you something mr Petey. How dare you
speak like that about viola players. i bet you' ve got a
big beer belly siiting in your lousy computer
telling these low life jokes about viola players. there is no way to be
ashamed of beign a viola player, and theres no need to get mad about youre silly jokes,
dont you ever try to play a viola, then i might just laugh at you because
then youll be a mediocre musician.
Ill tell you a joke now if youre still reading this letter.....What did a Viola player say to mr Pete about his jokes?
your jokes sound like fantasies with a fermata. |

Q & A
Why do so many people take an
instant dislike to Viola players?
Why wait; It saves so
much time.
What do you call
someone who hangs around musicians a lot?
A Viola player.
What do you call
a Viola player with half a brain?
What do you call
a Violist with more than one brain cell?
Why are Violist's
ears sought after for transplants?
They've never been used.
Why do Violists
get antsy when they see the Kama Sutra?
They can't handle any
subject reference to "more than one position".
What do a SCUD
missile and a Viola player have in common?
They're both offensive
and inaccurate.
Why do Violists
make effective rapists?
It's hard to fight back
when you've got your hands over your ears.
What's the most
effective male birth control method?
Tell the girl he plays
the Viola.
Why don't
Violists play hide and seek?
Because no one will look
for them.
Why shouldn't
Violists take up mountain climbing?
If they get lost, no one
will look for them.
What do you get
when you cross a Viola player with a sheep?
A sheep that plays out of
tune and has lousy time.
What's the ideal
weight for a professional Viola player?
About 20 ounces - not
counting the urn.
Why are some
Violists taking up the Accordion?
Upward mobility.
Why are so many
Violists dating drummers
It makes them feel
How do you get a
Viola player out of a tree?
Cut the rope!
Why are Viola
jokes so short?
So Drummers can remember
What's the difference between
a Viola and fingernails scraping on a blackboard?
What's the
difference between a Viola player and a dressmaker?
The dressmaker gets paid
to tuck up the frills: A Viola player ...
Figure it out.
What's the
difference between a Viola player and Doctor Scholl's Footpads?
Doctor Scholl's bucks up
the feet: A Viola player ...
OK, we're not going to go there. This website has a family rating.
What's the
difference between a Violist and a dog?
The dog knows when to
stop scratching.
What's the
difference between a Viola and a lawnmower?
You can tune the
What's the
difference between a Viola and a lawnmower?
The neighbors get pissed
if you don't return their lawnmower.
What's the
difference between a Viola and a lawnmower?
If you show the lawnmower
on the Home Shopping Network, you have a chance of selling it.
What's the
difference between a Viola and a lawnmower?
The exhaust smells
What's the
difference between a Viola and a lawnmower?
The Viola doesn't have
covers for the F-holes, and the gasoline will spill out.
What's the
difference between a Viola and a lawnmower?
You don't pour gasoline
ON the lawnmower.
What's the
difference between a Viola and a Macaw?
One makes obnoxious,
irritating, non-musical noises; The other is a bird.
What's the
difference between a Viola and a coffin?
The coffin has the corpse
Why is a Violist
like a terrorist?
They both mangle the bowings. (Bowings/Boeings ... Get it?)
What's the
difference between a Violist and a terrorist?
A few people actually
like terrorists; Their mothers ...
Why is a Viola
like a lawsuit?
Everyone is happy when
the case is closed.
Why are Violas
larger than Violins?
They're not; It's an
optical illusion. Viola players have small heads.
What's the
difference between a chainsaw and a Viola?
A chainsaw has a better
chance at blending in a string quartet.
What's the
difference between a chainsaw and a Viola?
In the "Texas Viola
Massacre", the killer was wearing a tuxedo.
What's the
difference between a chainsaw and a Viola?
After you put gasoline in
the chainsaw, people don't throw lit matches at you.
What's the
difference between a chainsaw and a Viola?
The Viola is always sharp.
What's the
difference between a chainsaw and a Viola?
The person holding the
chainsaw can probably read music.
What's the
difference between a chainsaw and a Viola?
The law doesn't require a
DANGER: MAY CAUSE INJURY warning label on a viola.
What's the
difference between a chainsaw and a Viola?
You can't fake cutting
down a tree.
What's the
difference between a chainsaw and a Viola?
You can tune up a
How is a chainsaw
like a Viola?
When either is in use,
anyone nearby should wear earplugs.
How is a chainsaw
like a Viola?
When being used, they
both start out very sharp but don't stay that way.
What's the
difference between a vacuum cleaner and a Viola?
A vacuum cleaner has to
be plugged in before it sucks.
What's the
difference between an Oboist and a Violist?
The oboe player sustained
brain damage AFTER taking up the instrument.
What's the
difference between a Violist and a prostitute?
A prostitute knows more
than one position.
What's the
difference between a Violist and a prostitute?
A prostitute keeps better
What's the
difference between a Violist and a prostitute?
Prostitutes have a useful
Yes, but how is a
Violist LIKE a prostitute?
Both get paid to fake
What's the
difference between a Viola and an onion?
Nobody cries when they
chop up a Viola.
What's the
difference between a Viola and a TV dinner?
The Viola doesn't fit in
a Microwave oven. (Unless you break the neck off)
What's the
difference between a Violist and a puppy?
The puppy will stop
whining eventually.
What's the
difference between a Violin and a Viola?
The viola holds more
What's the
difference between a Violin and a Viola?
A Viola burns longer.
And do you know
WHY the Viola burns longer?
It's usually still in the
Why do some Violin players
double on Viola?
So they can get less
How does a Viola player
make his car faster?
Take the Dominos'
Pizza sign off the roof.
How do you get rid of a
Viola player at your front door?
Pay for the Pizza.
What approach does a
door-to-door Viola salesman use?
What approach does a
door-to-door Viola salesman use?
"Hello. I'm working
my way through kindergarten."
What kind of calendar
does a Viola player use to keep track of his gigs?
If a Cellist plays a Cello and
a Violinist plays a Violin, who plays a Viola?
An idiot
What's the usual orchestration
of a string quartet?
A good violinist, a bad
violinist, someone who used to be a violinist (Viola player), and someone who hates violinists.
Definition of an optimist:
A Viola player with a
Definition of a big
A Viola player with a
Definition of a
A man who knows how to
play the viola ... but doesn't.
What does a Viola player
say when he gets to his gig?
"Would you like
fries with that, sir?"
Why don't you see MIDI
Violas being used in rock bands anymore?
Mattel stopped making
What kind of microphone
works best live on a Viola with a rock band?
A Sony wireless
mini-condenser with a dead battery.
What's the most famous TV
show to feature a Viola?
A Popiel infomercial; The
Viola was used to make crinkle-cut fries.
How can you tell for sure
that the concert stage is level?
The Violists are drooling
out of both sides of their mouths.
How can a professional
Violinist best keep his Violin from getting stolen?
Keep it in a Viola case.
What's the difference
between a Viola player driving into town and a
plumber driving into town?
The plumber is going to a
What's the difference
between a dead Viola player lying in the road
and a dead Accordion player lying in the road.
The Accordion player was
probably going to a gig.
What do you get when you
cross a Viola player with a roadie?
A Viola player with a
What's the difference between
a dead Viola player lying in the road and a dead snake lying in the road.
Skid marks in front of
the snake.
What's the difference
between a dead Viola player lying in the road and a dead Accordion player lying in the
A crowd of sympathetic
people trying to put the Accordion back together.
What's the difference
between a dead Viola player lying in the road and a dead skunk lying in the road.
Vultures will eventually
eat the skunk.
What's the difference
between a Viola lying in the road and a used Tampax lying in the road.
Eventually someone will
pick up the Tampax.
A conductor and a violist
are walking on the road, and you are driving. Which one should you hit first?
The violist. (Business
before pleasure)
What would you say if you saw
a Viola player at the beach, covered neck-deep in the sand?
"Can we get some
more sand over here?"
What's the only thing
separating Violists from the apes?
The 2nd Violin section.
What would you say to a Viola
player in a 3-piece suit?
"Will the defendant
please rise?"
Why do people get nervous when
someone walks into a bank carrying a Viola case?
It might actually contain
a Viola - and he might take it out and play it.
Why do Viola players keep
their cases on their car dashboard?
So they can park in
handicapped spaces.
What famous stand-up
comedian quipped, "Take my Viola ... please"?
None of them did; They
all knew it wouldn't be funny.
How do you drown a Viola
Line the bottom of his
bathtub with scratch 'n sniffs.
What's the best way to
disable a Violist?
Stab him in the back. If
he can't lean back in his chair, he can't play.
How do you get a Viola
player to play softer?
Put WD-40 in his rosin.
What's the latest new
crime wave in New York?
Drive-by Viola recitals.
What do you call 50
Violists at the bottom of the ocean?
A good start. (The
lawyers are down there too.)
What do you call 50
Violists skydiving out of a plane?
If a tree falls on a
Viola in the forest and nobody hears it, is there a sound?
Yes. The sound of
applause (as soon as the word gets around).
Why did the chicken cross
the road?
To get away from a Viola
There's a terrorist
driving east and a Viola player walking west.
What can be surmised from this?
The Viola player is
probably lost (as usual).
The terrorist is probably on his way to a gig.
How do you keep a violist
from drowning?
Take your foot off his head.
A Violist and a Soprano
are trapped in a burning building and you can only save one. What's the real spiritual
dilemma here?
Should you go to lunch or
to a movie?
If a Violist and a
Soprano fall off a cliff, who would land first?
Oh really ... who cares!
Why should you never try to
drive a roofing nail with a Viola?
You might bend the nail.
Why is a Viola called
"Bratsche" in Germany?
That's the sound it makes
when you sit on it.
Why do Viola players
prefer to use the lighter, soft "gig bag" instrument cases?
They love to hear that
sound .... "bratsche, bratsche"
If a tree falls on a
Viola in the forest and nobody hears it, is there a sound?
Absolutely: A very loud
What's the difference
between a Viola and a trampoline?
You really should take
your shoes off before you jump on a trampoline.
What's the ideal length
for a Viola case?
About 6 inches, from the
base to the lid of the urn.
How is the Viola defined
in physics textbooks?
A friction-driven,
vibrating, manually-operated, musical pitch-approximator.
Why should you never
leave your Viola sitting in a parked car?
A nearsighted thief may
think its a violin and break a window.
What's the most popular
recording of the Walton Viola concerto?
Music Minus One
What's worse than a Viola
ensemble performing Bach transcriptions?
Not much.
Okay, how about 200 2nd graders with Accordions accompanying a 75-year-old
retired wrestler on Bagpipes, performing a Phillip Glass arrangement of
Variations on the Brady Bunch theme song.
That's worse.
Why don't orchestrators
indicate Scordatura in Viola parts?
The instrument is already
detuned; It would just confuse the player.
What is the longest Viola
Harold in Italy
How do you go about
transcribing a Violin piece for Viola?
Divide the metronome
marking by 2.
Then change all 16th notes to 8ths, and take out all the 32nd notes.
What do you call the
cadenza in a Viola concerto?
Comic relief.
What inspired Bach to
write his first canon?
He heard two violists
trying to play unison.
Why are Viola parts
written in Alto Clef?
Harder to prove that
wrong notes weren't copying errors.
What's the difference
between Alto clef and classic Greek manuscript?
Some Viola players can
actually read Greek.
Where did Alto Clef
Bach took a bribe from a
wealthy Viola player.
Why is a viola solo like a
By the time you hear it,
it's too late to do anything about it.
Why is a viola solo like
a death?
You know its coming ...
but you can't do anything about it.
Why is a viola solo like
premature ejaculation?
You know its coming ...
but you can't do anything about it.
Why is playing a Viola
solo like wetting your pants?
Both give you a nice warm
What does "subito
piano" mean?
There's about to be a 4th
desk Viola solo.
Why is playing a Viola
solo like wetting your pants?
Everybody moves as far
away from you as possible.
How long does a Viola
generally stay in tune?
3 or 4 weeks - or until
someone starts to play it; Whichever comes first.
What's the most common tuning
system for Violas in Western music?
What are the two most
common dynamic markings used by composers for Viola parts?
PP & PDP (Pianissimo
& Please Don't Play)
When do Viola players
usually replace their strings?
Right after they finish
eating the Crackerjacks.
Why do Viola players keep
a rag between their chin and the Viola?
To absorb the drool.
How do you get a Violist
to play a tremolando?
Mark the passage
How do make a violist
perform a flying spiccatto?
Mark on a whole note
"upbow, solo."
How does an
orchestrator create an orchestral glissando effect?
Write a 16th note
run for the Violas.
How can you tell if a
Viola is out of tune?
The bow is moving.
What's the definition of
perfect pitch?
When you throw a Viola
into a dumpster without hitting the rim.
What's the famous Viola
players' credo?
"It's far better to
play a little sharp than to play out of tune."
Who makes the best Viola
Smith & Wesson.
Who makes the best Viola
Sears/Craftsman. Deluxe
model comes with extra hacksaw blades.
Did you hear about the
Violist who always played in tune?
You wanna hear about it?
Listen, I can get you a great deal on the Brooklyn Bridge.
6 easy payments of $39.95.
Did you hear
about the Violist who played so out of tune even the rest of the Viola section could tell?
(Just kidding. That could
never happen.)
What's the first
requirement at the "International Viola Competition?"
Hold the Viola from
What's the range of a
35 yards if you've got a
good arm.
How can you make a Violin
sound more like a Viola?
Play only on the G string
and miss a lot of notes.
How do you get a Viola to
play in tune?
Chop it up and use the
pieces to make a xylophone.
How can you make a Violin
sound more like a Viola?
Sit in the back row and
just pretend to play.
Why can't you hear the
Violas on the newer digital orchestral recordings?
The current generation of 24-bit
direct-to-disk recording systems eliminate all unwanted noise.
Why do symphony orchestras use
so many Violas?
To make the custodial
staff feel superior.
(It also helps with the homeless problem.)
How do get a Viola
section to play softer?
Give them the music.
What's the difference
between a Viola section and the PLO?
You can negotiate with
the PLO.
Why are orchestral
concert intermissions only 15 minutes long?
So the Violists won't
forget where the stage is.
What the first sound you
hear after the conductor yells, "Bratsche"?
The Concertmaster saying,
How do you get two Viola
players to play in tune?
Shoot one of them.
What's the definition of
a minor 2nd?
Two Viola players playing
in unison.
What do you call two
Viola players playing in unison?
What's the difference
between the first and last desk of a Viola section?
Usually not more than a
couple of beats.
In an orchestra, what's
traditionally done when a Viola player dies?
He gets moved back one
How can you tell that a
Viola player has died?
You'll see the other
Violists staring at his chair.
How can you tell that a
Viola player has died?
The Violinists have
hopeful looks on their faces.
How can you tell that a
Viola player has died?
He drops his bow - but
doesn't pick it up.
How can you tell that a
Viola player has died?
The Brass players invent
a new batch of Viola jokes.
What does a Viola section
sound like under water?
A good idea.
What's the last thing a
Violist does before walking on stage for a concert?
Looks for his instrument.
How is a symphony Viola
section like the Beatles?
Neither has played
together for years.
When did the
Leningrad Viola Ensemble originate?
It was formed in 1956,
right after the Leningrad Symphony toured the United States.
How do you know there's a
group of Viola players at your door?
None of them can find the
key: None of them knows where to come in.
What do you call a Viola
section in a hot tub?
Vegetable soup.
What's the difference
between a class of deaf students and a symphony Viola section?
The Violists have a
pension plan.

Kenny Kudditt |
E. Scott Noklew |
Skip DeRunze |
Willie Showup |
Lou Sterplace |
Wendy Giggover |
Wanda B. Drumma |
Frank Lee Suggs |
Beau Drawpt |
Hugh Kent Tell |
Euster Praktiss |
Lois Steam |
Arthur Iddick |
Wanda Hallover |
Paige Turner |
D. Morey Skroosup |
Yassir Heezbad |
Arnie Yoffel |
Sir Tendus Astor |
Walt Addis Astor |
Ivan Noffeleer |
Phillip DeHolz |
Chaim Lostalott |
Rex N. Tinayshin |
Carrie DiPitzas |
Sinbad Tayste |
Seamus Bedeff |
Eubie Hynd |
Juan Hientre |
Izzy Joost |
Sammy Kowalafide |
Otto Retire |
Dusty Pegwerk |
Mike Soff |
Swoozie Kidding |
Heywood Shustop |
Howie Bluffs |
Too Ning Lo |
Ewell B. Fired |
Luke Bizzie |
Juno Howe |
Ella Fynoe |
Wayne Bach |
Carrie Oki |
Juan Moretyme |
Ima Fiddler |
Fay King |
Beau Spadley |
Anita Lessin |
Goetz B. Hynde |
Moe Clinkers |
Bjorn Deff |
Lou Scannon |
Dewey Needaplay |
Gladys Overwith |
Noh Won So Lo |
Euripedes Music |
Izzy Reading |
Peg Stuck |
Kent Reedwell |
Howard Ino |
Noah Lewsions |
Les Saithnotz |
Cy F. Relief |
Hyman Trubble |
Eustace Mewt |
Manny Musstakes |
Nat Kownting |
Bea Tabahind |
Leif DeBowholm |
D. Wong Song |
Otto B. Sheddin |
Lotta Klamz |
Buster Bridges |
Manny Soffle |
Maida Blunder |
Woody M. Proove |
Megan Noise |
Hugh R. Fagin |
Zbigniew Axxe |
Donna Day Evertune |
Sheila Fendiu |
Sue deTeecher |
C. Shirley Blewitt |
Ron Fordedors |
Noah Billity |
Miles Agoufs |
Sheila Paulus |
Anne Adder-Quitt |
Frank Lee Tairbull |
Arnie Aloozer |
C. DeMusic |
DeLoop |
Overwith |
Prayre |
Goslower |
Chekcleer |
Wrests |

by Brian
searching for anagrams with a musical theme, Brian uncovered the
following hidden messages - undoubtedly of great significance. |
Heitor Villa- Lobos
the hidden message
Viola thrills oboe
and also
He boos viola
Claudio Monteverdi
contains the
hidden message
Viola introduced me.
Nicolai Rimsky- Korsakov
contains the
hidden message
OK man, rock viola is
Peter Illyich Tchaikovsky
contains the
hidden message
Check viola key: triply shit!
Ludwig Van
contains the
hidden message
Venn wet bed ... Ugh!
Giovanni Gabrieli
contains the
hidden message
Being a Viola, I grin!
Courtesy of Paula Bishop
From the journal of The American Recorder Society.
Paula's a Viol player, which is a very old Viola. |
Stop me if you've
heard this one department |
The entertainment chairman of the local Elks club is
looking for a band for New Years Eve. Not knowing where to turn he asks his neighbor, a
Viola player. The Viola player puts together a pretty good dance combo for the gig, and a
good time is had by all.
At the end of the night, the entertainment chairman
tells the Viola player how much everyone enjoyed the band. "If you're available"
he says, "we'd love to have you for our New Years party next year too."
The Viola player checks his date book.
"Its OK, I'm available" he says.
"Listen, would it be OK if I left my instrument here until then?"
A salesman in a music store leans over the counter
to a customer. "Hey, I just heard a great new Viola joke" he tells him. Its a
The customer looks him straight in the eye and
replies, "Hold on a minute. I happen to be a professional Viola player, and I find
Viola jokes offensive; You hear what I'm saying? And by the way, the guy next to me -
6'4", 225 pounds - is also a Viola player. And the guy over there looking through the
sheet music - first chair Violist with the Boston Symphony - is a 2nd degree black
belt. Now, do you still want to tell that Viola joke?"
"Nah, I guess not, replied the
salesman. "I don't
want to have to explain it three times."
Did you hear the story about the Violin player who
locked his keys in his car?
It took the police an hour to break in and let the
Viola player out.
A lawyer dies and goes to hell.
The Devil
personally leads him down a long corridor to his eternal room.
As they move along the hallway they pass many
windows through which the lawyer can see fire pits, various torture devices, and the like.
Suddenly they pass a window through which he sees a luxurious bedroom in which a
long-haired tuxedoed musician is playing a Viola, serenading two voluptuous blondes -
clearly twins - who sit naked on either side of him on a velvet sofa. The women are taking
turns kissing and caressing him while he plays his Viola.
"Wow" says the lawyer, "hold on a
second! Is my room going to be anything like that?"
"Oh please, I do have SOME standards"
replies the Devil. "You were only a crooked lawyer; The Madison Sisters
were serial killers!"
After majoring in Viola at Juilliard, Murray
auditioned for the Boston Symphony and got the gig. He and his new bride moved to Boston.
After 40 years with the BSO Murray decided it was time to retire. When his last concert
was over, the orchestra threw him a party backstage. There was champagne, toasts,
testimonials ... and a few Viola jokes. After the party, Murray cleaned out his locker and
went home.
When he walked in the house carrying his Viola, his
wife snapped, "Where the hell have you been? Its almost 1am! Have you been drinking?
And what's that thing you're carrying?"
You're crawling through the desert - dying of
Suddenly you see a good Viola player, a bad Viola player, and Santa Claus.
Which one should you ask for water?
The bad Viola player: the other two are mirages.
A Viola player returns home to find his house a pile
of smoldering rubble. Police, fire and EMS vehicles are everywhere. A Police
Lieutenant takes him aside and gently relates the sordid story: The symphony conductor was
having an affair with the Violist's wife. Apparently an S&M session had turned violent
when their 6 year old came home from school early. The conductor beat both of them badly
and in a fit of rage set the house on fire. Mother and daughter have been taken to the
hospital and the conductor is under arrest.
Dumbfounded, the Violist exclaims, "I can't
believe it: The Maestro came to MY house?"
The orchestra is warming up backstage when suddenly
the conductor is taken ill and rushed to the hospital. The scheduled program was to be all
very difficult Berg pieces. No conductors are available on this short notice and the
orchestra manager is at his wit's end since the alternative is to send the audience home.
Suddenly he remembers that one of the viola players did a thesis on Berg in college.
Desperate, he asks the man if he would be willing to conduct the program. The violist
tells him frankly that he has never conducted before, but is willing to give it a try.
Sparing the details, he conducts; The orchestra
comes through in the clutch, and the audience is wildly appreciative - giving the
substitute conductor a long standing ovation.
The next morning, at rehearsal, the violist's stand
mate turns to him and asks, "Hey ... where were you last night? We had a great
Did you hear about the Violist who bragged that he
could play 32nd notes?
The rest of the orchestra didn't believe him, so he proved it by playing one.
A Viola player, fed up with the bad jokes and lack of appreciation, decides to change
instruments. He goes into a shop, and says, "I want to buy a violin."
The man behind the counter looks at him for a moment, and then says, "You must be a
Viola player."
The Viola player is astonished. "That's right; I am. But how did you
"Well sir, for one thing, this is hardware store."
A Violinist with the Tel Aviv Philharmonic was
walking on the beach and discovered an old oil lamp. He brought it home and -
expecting nothing - rubbed it and was amazed when a grateful genie emerged and offered to
grant him any wish.
The Violinist declares that he has his health and
isn't much interested in material things, but his deepest desire is to see peace come to
the Middle East.
The genie points out that he has been imprisoned in
the lamp for more than two thousand years and has no familiarity with the 20th century
cultures, or even the current names of the countries around them. The Violinist
takes out the world atlas to show him, but the genie is clearly overwhelmed by the
complexities and politics of the region.
"You know, if you just wanted riches or
beautiful women or power" he said, "I could handle that in a second.
keep my promise, but I've got to tell you; Racial problems are very complex.
At the very least, it could take months just to work out the right spell ... and then, it might not
work. Isn't there something a little simpler I could do for you? Really,
anything else at all? Just name it!"
The Violinist thinks for a minute.
"Well, there's one other thing.
I really love my job with the symphony, but
that damned Viola section is always out of tune and losing the beat, and when
they're not playing they're making us crazy with their whining. Could you maybe cast
a spell or something that would make them more like the Violin section?"
The genie thinks this over and finally responds;
"Uh, Violas? Just let me take another look at that atlas, would you?"
A Violist was out walking on a deserted beach and
discovered an old oil lamp. He rubbed it (of course) and a grateful genie emerged and
offered to grant him three wishes.
The Violist thought about it and finally decided;
"You know, "he said, "I seem to be stuck as the last chair Viola in the
Danbury Symphony. Just one wish: I want to be a better musician with a better
"No problem", said the genie.
waved his hand and the Violist suddenly found himself the first chair Viola in the Danbury
"Well, that was pretty easy" said the
Violist. "But I really wanted to be a better musician with a MUCH better gig.
Can you do that?"
"No problem", said the genie.
waved his hand and the Violist suddenly found himself the first chair Viola in the New
York Philharmonic.
The Violist is thrilled, and is about to walk away
when the genie reminds him that he still has one more wish.
"What the hell" said the Violist,
"lets go for it. Make me an even BETTER musician with an even BETTER gig!"
"No problem", said the genie.
waved his hand and the Violist suddenly found himself the last chair Violin in the Danbury
A group of terrorists hijacked a plane full of Viola
players. They called down to ground control with their list of demands,
threatening that if
their demands weren't met, they would release one Violist every hour.
Last night, during intermission, the Philharmonic's personnel manager
had to break up a fight
between an Oboist and a Violist. The Oboist complained that the Violist had knocked his
reeds all over the floor. The Violist in turn cried, "He turned one of my pegs, and
now he won't tell me which one!"
Browsing a pawn shop, a Violin player noticed an
unusual statue of a golden rat. Fascinated with its ugliness, he bought it.
Walking along
with the golden rat under his arm, the Violinist heard noises behind him. Turning around,
he found that he was being followed by a group of rats. Live ones!
Nasty looking! As he walked more and
more rats joined the parade. He began to run; the rats came on faster. The herd swelled in
size. Traffic ground to a halt. People were screaming and running every which way. Lost,
the man suddenly found himself at the waterfront. He was heading onto a pier and would
soon be trapped. He reached the end, and stumbled to a halt. In his panic he dropped the
golden rat, which tumbled off the end of the pier into the river. As he watched in
amazement, all of the pursuing rats rushed past him, dived into the river, and drowned.
Later that day, he found his way back to the pawn
shop. Recognizing his former customer, the owner said immediately that he hoped the Violinist didn't intend to return the
rat statue, indicating a sign that said "All Sales Final".
"Oh no", said the Violinist; "There's
no problem at all. I was just wondering if you had any statues of Viola players?"
The Violist in the back of the orchestra section
turned to his desk partner when the page was filled with sixteenth notes and said,
"You'd better take this. I have a wife and kids."
Ten-year old Susie comes home from her first day of
school all excited.
"Mommy, mommy; the music teacher is going to
give me music lessons at school. And look ... he gave me a Viola to play. See? Isn't it
"That's very nice, dear. I'm
sure you'll love it."
The next day Susie comes home from school full of
"Mommy, Mr. Jackson showed me how to play 4
notes in first position on the C string!"
"That's nice, dear. Wash your hands, its time
for dinner."
And the next day Susie comes home from school, again
full of excitement.
"Mommy, Mr. Jackson showed me how to play 4
more notes ... on the G string!"
"That's very nice, dear. Wash your hands, its
time for dinner."
On the 4th day, by 5 o'clock Susie hasn't come home.
6 o'clock passes. 7 o'clock. Her mother is frantic. She calls the police, Susie's friends
... No word at all. Finally, at 11:30 Susie comes home - carrying her Viola case,
exhausted, with a somewhat vacant look on her face.
"Susie, where have you been? Daddy and I have
been worried sick. Are you OK?"
"I'm sorry mom. I know I should have phoned
you, but I got a last minute call to sub with the Philharmonic.
A Violist parked his car on 42nd street - leaving
his Viola on the back seat - while he ran into a store. Not a smart thing to do in New
York City!
When he came out he found the side window was
smashed, his car stereo ripped out of the dash, his cellular phone was gone ... and there
were two Violas on the back seat.
The first chair bassist in a small symphony was late to rehearsal one day.
As he hurriedly unpacked his bass the conductor asked him if he needed a minute to
tune up.
Knowing that the rest of the orchestra would like to pick back up where
they had stopped, he quickly plucked his strings and replied, "No, all the strings
have the right tension."
The first chair violist turned around and looked at
the bassist, rolled his eyes and snickered, "You idiot! It isn't the tension
that matters. All the pegs have to be parallel!"

FOR SALE: Viola, German, 19th century,
405mm. Excellent condition.
Recently tuned.
Violinists and a 'Cellist.
VIOLIST AVAILABLE to sub in symphony or
small ensemble. Please give 2 days warning before date so I can rent an instrument.
THEY LAUGHED when I said anyone can have
perfect pitch. I can teach you in just 3 weeks. My home study course includes
CD, manual and VHS tape. $29.95 + s&h. Results guaranteed. (Except
Viola players)
CLAMSBURGH SYMPHONY announces a section
Viola vacancy. 8 week season. Off-season employment placement arrangement with
Bag-'O-Chicken. Auditions by appointment only. Candidates will be expected to
hold the Viola from memory. Contact personnel mgr. at
YOU'VE HEARD of Tai Bo ... now
try, VIOLA BOW. America's latest fitness craze. For information,

In a discussion group the subject of the
little-known ALTO VIOLA (in Eb) came up, and inevitably the Hindemith concerto in F# for
Alto Viola. The following discussion excerpts - from 2 participating musicologists -
contain valuable clarification on these two topics.
"This is in fact a legend only. The existence of the instrument itself has been
questioned by most string authorities and the (Hindemith) score, if it existed, is
presumed lost."
courtesy Thom Gandet
"The work is lost, however it was written in F# and not in Gb as the majority now
believe. Here is, briefly, what is known about it.
"The work is referred to as "Der Vauscherdrier Viola Concerto" and was
written as a follow-up work to the "Four Temperaments". Also cast in four
movements, it was a cyclical work with movements entitled "Varm-Varm",
"Varm-Cold", "Cold-Cold" and "Spin". The premiere took place
in an old, poorly heated New England concert hall on a sub-zero evening. During the final
movement a frozen water pipe burst flooding the concert hall. The wet and agitated crowd
resigned immediately to a neighboring coffee shop to dry out and have a cigarette.
Hindemith interpreted this as a bad omen and withdrew the work."
courtesy Paul S. Johnson
Mr. Gandet replied:
"The work described here is, in reality, the mythidentified concerto for violin in G,
composed by a 20th-Century Boston-area dilettante of German/Burmese extraction who had
perfect pitch, but in G. .... He frequently thought alternately in German and then in
English, often in mid-sentence, hence his errors in the titles to the Concerto, which
should read: "Varm-varm", "Varm-Kalt", "Kalt-kalt", and

(The Magic Viola)
by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart |


It has come to our attention that several people
believe Mozart wrote, in addition to "The Magic Flute," an opera called
"The Magic Viola." This is incorrect, and apparently the rumor is due to a
coincidence of sounds. In German, The Magic Flute is "Die Zauberflöte," while
The Magic Viola would be "Die Auberbratsche." In fact, Mozart's little known
viola opera is called "Die Sauerbratschen," and it is verified by several
unimpeachable sources that he wrote it in the space of one evening during dinner in a
really dingy restaurant. Mozart wrote the libretto on napkins and the score on the
tablecloth -- an example of what is called Tafelmusik. The work was actually performed in
Salzburg along with "The Constipation of the House Special Overture," which also
was composed in the same restaurant. The similarity to English speakers of the
pronunciation of the German "Sauer" and "Zauber" has led to the Magic
Viola misconception.
The opera was not successful, since it seems to have never been performed again. It
has no Köchel number and the tablecloth was apparently laundered by mistake, removing the
entire score (but leaving most of the stains). Only a few napkins remain in the
collections of various private individuals and the summary of the opera given below, based
only on those that could be tracked down and deciphered, cannot be regarded as definitive.
The king and queen of a fairy-tale like kingdom are
devoted patrons of music and loved by their subjects. The sad fact is that the couple is
childless and both they and the population want an heir to carry on the royal line. After
many years when it appears most unlikely, the queen becomes pregnant through the
ministrations of an in vitro alchemist. The royal couple throw a great feast when the
baby, a girl prophetically named Violetta, is born. Among those they invite are the
various music fairies; the violin fairy, the cello fairy, the flute fairy etc.
Conspicuously absent is the viola fairy, a terrible harridan, whose intonation is so bad
that musicians and audiences fall to the ground as if struck down. Not for nothing is she
known as The Trampler. After each fairy performs on her instrument and sings about the joy
of playing it, the group is about to play a chamber work together when the viola fairy
appears from the bowels of the earth along with a smell of sulfur and brimstone. The crowd
shrinks away from her as she takes center stage. To everyone's horror The Trampler
places a curse on the baby, to the effect that before her sixteenth birthday, she will
develop an obsession with the viola and play it to the exclusion of all other activities.
Then the Viola Fairy departs as she came with a maniacal laugh. The queen is inconsolable and faints dead away. The act ends
with general confusion and despair and a lot of bodies on the floor.
By royal proclamation, the king and queen ban every viola in the land. They are collected
and destroyed in a huge bonfire which is a precursor of the Immolation scene in Die
Götterdamerung, except here it is known as the Violation scene. String quartets now
consist of two violins, a cello, and a banjo. The alto clef is outlawed. In this way they
hope to thwart The Trampler's curse. The ruling is appealed by the court jesters, Ping,
Pang and Pong, who say that without viola jokes they have lost most of their
material. They sing a trio, called Die Bratschenwurst, consisting almost entirely of
viola jokes.
[* The viola jokes are the best preserved part of the opera; although less than
5% of the libretto, they account for almost 50% of the napkins on which the libretto is
preserved. Musical historians have not found any evidence of viola jokes predating these,
and it is probable that Mozart is the source of this rich body of musical humor.
Die Bratschenwurst Trio
Ping: What's the definition of a minor second?
Pang: Two violists playing in unison.
Pong: Two violists playing in unison.
Pong: What do you do with a dead violist?
Pang: Move him back a chair.
Ping: Move him back, move him back.
Ping: How do you get a dozen violists to play in tune?
Pang: Kill eleven of them?
Pong: Eleven must die; Oh my!
Pong: How can you tell when a violist is playing out of tune?
Pang: The bow is moving.
Ping & Pong: See how the bow is moving.
Ping: What do you call a violist with two brain cells?
Pang: Pregnant.
Pong: That's not very nice.
Pong: What's the range of a viola?
Pang: As far as you can kick it.
Ping: Or 35 yards with your good arm - as you please.
Ping: What is the longest viola joke?
Pang: Harold in Italy.
Ping, Pang & Pong: Long, long in Italy.
The king, although greatly amused, refuses to lift the ban and the comedians depart
disconsolately. But unknown to them, the language teacher Don Blanco is a closet violist.
This is not to say that he plays the viola secretly, but in fact plays what is called a
closet viola. It has a hinged back and opens to hold a change of clothes and other
since violists often have to leave town suddenly. Don Blanco, a recent visitor to the
country, is unaware of the royal decree and continues to play it. Since he rarely
has visitors, apart from his friend the pizza entrepreneur PapaGino, no one is the
wiser. We meet Don Blanco together with PapaGino, who is bragging about his pizza
franchises throughout Europe. PapaGino sings about the numbers of different toppings one
can find in different lands:
200 in France
300 in Spain
and 1003 in Italy!
Meanwhile, the princess Violetta is sent to Don Blanco to study German. Inevitably, she
hears him playing and becomes enraptured. Instead of coming a few hours each week,
Violetta practically becomes a house guest and makes incessant demands on Don Blanco that
he teach her to play the viola. Don Blanco, thinking that no one in her right mind would
want this, naturally assumes that Violetta is enamored of him.
The fact that the princess is a virgin, makes her even more desirable. At one point, when
he is alone with her, he takes a cigar from his pocket and sings a piece Mozart later
recycled in his better known Exultate Jubilate; the aria entitled Tu
Virginum Corona.
The king and queen make a great celebration when Violetta turns sixteen. They mistakenly
think they have defeated the Viola Fairy, since they know nothing about Don Blanco. With
all the guests assembled, Violetta makes an entrance with Don Blanco, and to the horror of
all comes in playing a viola! She has not really mastered the instrument (who could?) and
makes quite a hash out of Harold in Italy. The guests cover their ears with their hands, pillows, mince pies, and
anything else they can find to muffle the sound. Don Blanco, upset by this reaction, takes
the viola from the princess to show how it should be played, but the guests still refuse
to listen.
Suddenly the Viola Fairy appears through a fiery gap that opens in the floor. She is about
to gloat over her triumph when she becomes aware of Don Blanco's playing. Instantly, she
falls in love with him. Transformed by love, she sings O Viola D'Amore and
lifts the curse from Violetta. As the act - and the opera - ends, she carries the
violently resisting Don Blanco off with her into the pit and to the infernal regions.
The last vocal sound is Don
Blanco's anguished "aaaah!"